En alweer de Turken . . .

Geplaatst door:
E.J. Bron

Over E.J. Bron

Dit bericht werd geplaatst in Barbarisme, Genocide, Koerden, Rotzakken, Syrië, Turken, Turkije. Bookmark de permalink .

17 reacties op En alweer de Turken . . .

    • paulzwueste zegt:

      Dit was te verwachten.
      De aanhangers en beschermers van IS kunnen niets anders.
      De aloude Assyriërs, nu Syriërs hadden ’n zeer hoge beschaving.
      De Turken stammen af van nomaden.
      Zonder enige cultuur.
      En nu nog verwoesten en plunderen ze hun buurlanden.
      Tijd om ze eens zo goed te nuken.
      Zodanig dat je kunt spreken van ’n uitroeiing.
      Dat is het enige dat ze echt verdienen.


  1. Assyriër zegt:

    Wie staat achter ze?
    How Herzl sold out the Armenians

    May 01, 2015 3:04 PM
    Theodor Herzl in Basel, site of First Zionist Congress.
    Theodor Herzl in Basel, site of First Zionist Congress.Central Zionist Archive/Courtesy Simon Wiesenthal Center
    This article was originally published May 1, 2015

    The Armenian question has occupied the Zionist movement since a mass killing of Armenians was carried out by the Turks in the mid 1890s – prior even to the First Zionist Congress. Herzls strategy was based on the idea of an exchange: The Jews would pay off the Ottoman Empires huge debt, in return for the acquisition of Palestine and the establishment of a Jewish state there, with the major powers consent. Herzl had been working hard to persuade Sultan Abdul Hamid II to accept the proposal, but to no avail.

    Instead of offering the Sultan money, Herzls diplomatic agent Philip Michael Nevlinski (who also advised the Sultan) told him, give him political support on the Armenian issue, and hell be grateful and accept your proposal, in part at least. The Christian European countries had been critical of the murder of Armenian Christians at the hands of Muslims, and committees supporting the Armenians had been founded in various places, and Europe also offered refuge to leaders of the Armenian revolt. This situation made it very difficult for Turkey to obtain loans from European banks.

    Herzl eagerly took the advice. He felt that it was appropriate to try any means possible to hasten the establishment of a Jewish state. And so he agreed to serve as a tool of the Sultan, by trying to convince the leaders of the Armenian revolt that if they surrendered to the Sultan, he would comply with some of their demands. Herzl also tried to show the West that Turkey was in fact more humane, that it had no choice but to deal with the Armenian revolt this way, and that it aspired to a ceasefire and a political arrangement. After much effort, he also met with the Sultan on May 17, 1901.

    The Sultan hoped that Herzl, a well-known journalist, would be able to alter the Ottoman Empires negative image. And so Herzl launched an intensive campaign to fulfill the Sultans wish, casting himself as a mediator for peace. He established ties with and held secret meetings with the Armenian rebels, in an attempt to get them to stop the violence, but they were not convinced of his sincerity, and did not trust the Sultans promises. Herzl also made energetic attempts to this effect in diplomatic channels in Europe, which he was very familiar with.

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    As was his way, he did not consult with other Zionist movement leaders, and kept his activities secret. But in need of some assistance, he wrote to Max Nordau to try to recruit him for the mission as well. Nordau responded with a one-word telegram: No. In his eagerness to obtain the charter for Palestine from the Turks, Herzl publicly declared – after the start of the yearly Zionist Congresses – that the Zionist movement expresses its admiration and gratitude to the Sultan, despite opposition from some representatives.

    Herzls chief opponent on this was Bernard Lazare, a French Jewish intellectual, leftist, well-known journalist and literary critic, who had fought prominently against the Dreyfus trial, and was a supporter of the Armenian cause. He was so incensed by Herzls activity that he resigned from the Zionist Committee and abandoned the movement altogether in 1899. Lazare published an open letter to Herzl in which he asked: How can those who purport to represent the ancient people whose history is written in blood extend a welcoming hand to murderers, and no delegate to the Zionist Congress rises up in protest?

    This drama involving Herzl – a leader who subordinated humanitarian considerations and served the Turkish authorities for the sake of the ideal of the Jewish state – is just one illustration of the frequent clash between political goals and moral principles. Israel has repeatedly been faced with such tragic dilemmas, as evidenced in its long-standing position of not officially recognizing the Armenian genocide, as well as in other more recent decisions that reflect the tension between humanitarian values and realpolitik considerations.

    The writer is professor emeritus of history of education and culture at Hebrew University.


    • Republikein zegt:

      De letterlijke betekenis van de aanduiding ‘hebreeër’ is ‘immigrant’ of ‘iemand die van de andere kant komt’.
      De letterlijke betekenis van de aanduiding ‘Hebreeuws’ is ‘immigrantentaal’.
      Noach Jafet en Sem.


  2. Republikein zegt:

    Eruit zien als een Turk was niet lang geleden een uitdrukking voor iemand die er vies uitzag.
    Was wel erg hoor, die rassenhaat.
    K heb het weleens tegen mijn zoontje gezegd, toen, ooit, lang geleden.
    Toch kies ik mijn eigen personeel, heeft geen huppelkutje wat mee te maken want dat is mijn mensenrecht, denk ik toch…. of niet, dan blijf ik het toch denken.
    Statistieken worden niet acceptabel geacht?



  3. aquarius4422 zegt:

    De Armeense genocide is ruim 100 jaar geleden dus werd het weer tijd om een andere bevolkingsgroep uit te roeien.


  4. Misschien is uw aardige Turkse buurman ook zo’n honden liefhebber.

    Geliked door 2 people

  5. hendrikush zegt:

    Gelukkig vallen er geen doden bij de Afrin actie.
    Hoogstens worden er hier en daar wat opstandelingen “geneutraliseerd”.


  6. Onno zegt:

    Zou de Turkse bevolking in de gaten hebben dat Erdogan een psychopaat is van het kaliber Churchill of onze bloedeigen Prins Bernhard ????


  7. BertG. zegt:

    Meer bewijs dat de YPG/PKK een moordlustige, extreem nationalistische terreurorganisatie is.

    “Het recruteringsproces van de YPG vindt plaats onder dwang. De Arameaanse christenen klagen dat zelfs tieners zonder wat voor militaire training dan ook op hardhandige wijze van straat worden geplukt, uit scholen en winkels. Een andere informant voegt toe: ‘Het is de bedoeling om ze naar de frontlinie te sturen in of nabij Afrin, omdat deze mensen [de Koerdische terroristen] zichzelf als de nieuwe heersers van onze regio beschouwen’.”


  8. Jan zegt:

    Turkse leger wordt door terreurorganisaties gesteund in hun oorlog tegen de Koerden


  9. Jan zegt:

    Culturele genocide door Turken en de EU doet mee

    “Turkish regime planes bombed the archaeological site of Brad, 15 kilometres south of Afrin city,” the Directorate-General of Antiquities and Museums said in a statement.

    Brad – which includes many Byzantine churches and monasteries as well as tombs dating back to the Roman period – has been on Unesco’s world heritage list since 2011.

    Rockets “destroyed many important archaeological buildings”, including the tomb of Saint Maron of the Maronite community, said Syrian antiquities chief Mahmoud Hamoud.

    Turkish planes also destroyed “the Julianus Church, which includes the mausoleum and is one of the oldest Christian churches in the world, built at the end of the 4th century,” he added.



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