Het probleem . . .

Geplaatst door:
E.J. Bron

Over E.J. Bron

Dit bericht werd geplaatst in Algemeen. Bookmark de permalink .

Een reactie op Het probleem . . .

  1. bobzelf zegt:





    “The United States is a big and unique country in its own way. It took the people of America only 300 years to turn it into a superpower; this is a relatively short period, by our standards. This is an obvious fact.
    We also know outstanding American politicians; we know outstanding American businesspersons and cultural figures. All this is incontestable.
    Our countries were allies during both world wars, while fighting Nazism and fascism. What has happened since?
    We know that after the war and after their allied relations, the United States and the Soviet Union started dividing the world. They successfully carved it up, built international relations and created the contemporary system of international law under this balance of power.
    Later, the Soviet Union disintegrated for a number of reasons, which I won’t go into now, but it was mainly because of domestic reasons. Only one superpower, the United States, remained. How did your elite take advantage of this monopoly, this world domination? That’s the question.
    I believe the United States has failed to cope with the burden of responsibility it took on.
    The United States created a monopolist system and tried to make it stronger. I am talking about the US ruling elite, not the people of America.
    While strengthening their system of monopoly, they soon realised that the overwhelming majority of counties did not like it very much.
    Everyone eventually saw that this emerging world order was encountering greater resistance. Everyone, many countries, including your allies, by the way, see this.
    They are just keeping quiet now; they are afraid to say more than they should because of their economic dependence, and dependence in many other areas, and this includes their media outlets in some ways.
    Believe me, I know what I am talking about: even America’s allies don’t really like it.
    Then, the problems and setbacks started piling up.
    First, the United States’ ruling elite decided that, given their monopoly on the right to rule the world, they no longer needed the system of international relations that was created after World War II.
    They believed it didn’t suit them because the global balance of power had changed and it became necessary to rebuild the system of international law in accordance with their needs.
    What I mean is that in the case of the events in Iraq, for example, everything was done without the authorisation of the UN Security Council, the same as in Syria and in former Yugoslavia.
    I will not go into the reasons now, but there were no UN Security Council decisions there, were there? There were not. It was the United States that let the genie out of the bottle.
    But if they are allowed, why are other countries not allowed to defend their core interests in the same way?
    What happened in Yugoslavia?
    My colleagues have repeatedly said to me: ‘Well, yes, we did it without Security Council approval, but the war had been going on there for so many years – eight years of bloodshed, something had to be done.’
    And when Russia started to protect its people in Donbass, where there was also war and extermination of civilians – children, women, old people – why can’t Russia do that, stand up for its people?
    And not somewhere thousands of kilometres away from its national borders, but right next door, right around the corner. Moreover, people have requested and have been waiting for this help.
    I do not want to go into details now, I just want to ask: is there an understanding that the world cannot be governed from one centre, and that this is even harmful to this centre, because it starts to undermine its foundations?
    In my interview with your journalist, Mr Carlson, I was just talking about the dollar being undermined, and they are banning transactions in dollars. Why they are doing this, your bosses, is totally incomprehensible.
    That is, clearly, they want to achieve a quick result, but they do not achieve anything, they only undermine the power of the dollar. This is the opposite of the intended result.
    And it is like this in many areas. I believe that this is a wrongheaded policy.
    But if we return to your question, young people, of course, can do a lot. I don’t want to wade into domestic political affairs right now, I don’t want to characterise the way presidential candidates are acting. This is part of the domestic political culture of the United States, nothing more.
    But young people, of course, can do their part in building interstate relations. How? Very simple.
    Simply by expressing their position inside the country within the confines of the law and the Constitution of their country or countries. This is the only way to act.
    We are by no means calling for any acts of disobedience.
    But in a democratic country, can a person express their position? Yes, they can.
    This is what you should do, and I think that this will create non-government forms of contacts that will foster equitable relations at the state level as well.”



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