Geplaatst door:

E.J. Bron

(h/t Jan)

Over E.J. Bron
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8 reacties op CARTOON

  1. G.Deckzeijl zegt:

    Wat leren we uit dit prachtige tekenwerk? Dat politiek, naast religie, het GOORSTE bedrijf is dat ooit door de mens werd uitgevonden.
    (beter dan HIJ het destijds uitlegde, kan ik het niet uitleggen)


  2. Jan zegt:

    Obama, de onstoken kies die in de mond wegrot:


  3. Jan zegt:

    Obamacronium,the Densest Element discovered by Scinetist 2012


  4. Joop Klepzeiker zegt:

    Future Children Project’s Creepy Obama Song


  5. Jan zegt:

    @Joop Klepzeiker zegt:
    28 oktober 2012 om 10:36

    Wat Obama’ Hitler Jugend zingt:

    Imagine an America
    Where strip mines are fun and free
    Where gays can be fixed
    And sick people just die
    And oil fills the sea

    We don’t have to pay for freeways!
    Our schools are good enough
    Give us endless wars
    On foreign shores
    And lots of Chinese stuff

    We’re the children of the future
    American through and through
    But something happened to our country
    And we’re kinda blaming you

    We haven’t killed all the polar bears
    But it’s not for lack of trying
    Big Bird is sacked
    The Earth is cracked
    And the atmosphere is frying

    Congress went home early
    They did their best we know
    You can’t cut spending
    With elections pending
    Unless it’s welfare dough

    We’re the children of the future
    American through and through
    But something happened to our country
    And we’re kinda blaming you

    Find a park that is still open
    And take a breath of poison air
    They foreclosed your place
    To build a weapon in space
    But you can write off your au pair

    It’s a little awkward to tell you
    But you left us holding the bag
    When we look around
    The place is all dumbed down
    And the long term’s kind of a drag

    We’re the children of the future
    American through and through
    But something happened to our country
    And yeah, we’re blaming you

    You did your best
    You failed the test

    Mom and Dad
    We’re blaming you!

    Dit ging al in 2010
    Barack Hussein Obama Mmm Mmm Mmm

    Vorige week zaten de Democraten al diep in de stront met dit filmpje:
    De eerste keer stemmen en dan op Obama als de eerste keer seks:

    Lena Dunham: Your First Time

    Hier was Putin Obama’s voorbeeld:
    Красотка гадает на первый раз

    Vladimir Putin’s raunchy election campaign


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