Nourdine Tighadouini zegt ‘NIGGER’ op de NPO


Busted. # bornhere mocro aangifte-selfkicker Nourdine Tighadouini, die zich eerder in verzetsglossy Parool beklaagde over rassiesme, discrieminasie, hufterisatie en de bijlen aan de stam van de multiculturele samenleving in de kolommen van GeenStijl verspreekt zich hopeloos freudiaans/darwiniaans voor de microfoon van TomStaal/PowNews. Kaolo Nourdine schoffeert zwarten en noemt iedereen in de Bijlmer “NIGGERS”.

Lees verder>>>
(h/t Martien Pennings)

Over E.J. Bron
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2 reacties op Nourdine Tighadouini zegt ‘NIGGER’ op de NPO

  1. aquarius4422 zegt:

    Aandachthoer, negeren.


  2. lucky bee zegt:

    In de a Hadith staat het ook zwart op wit,
    Abu Darda reported that the Holy Prophet (Muhammed) said: Allah created Adam when he created him. Then He stroke his right shoulder and took out a white race as if they were seeds, and He stroke his left shoulder and took out a black race as if they were coals. Then He said to those who were in his right side: Towards paradise and I don’t care. He said to those who were on his left shoulder: Towards Hell and I don’t care.”
    (Hadith, Mishkat ul-Masabih, translated by Karim, v. iii, p. 117)
    Negers zijn alleen goed genoeg als brandstof voor de HEL


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